Getting your education from a distance can be an exciting new experience, but it can also be stressful. You’ll have to adjust to different teaching modes and modalities, and you have to learn new ways to check for understanding and assess learning. This can be daunting, but luckily, many classroom practices transfer over to online learning. Read on to learn how to make your distance learning experience as enjoyable as possible.
While traditional schooling relies on a teacher who knows the children, teachers in distance learning programs often struggle with this. As a result, the transition can be difficult, especially for first-year teachers. A recent study by the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) shows that many teachers are rethinking their role, while others are supporting their students and helping them navigate a new learning environment.
Despite the advantages of distance learning, it has its challenges. For one thing, students need time to process instructions and set priorities. Not all students thrive in this model, and some struggle with independence and lack of structure. Having a check-in routine can minimize challenges and disappointments while empowering students to learn essential life skills. There are even times when a student may not feel well enough to attend school because of illness.
One drawback is the technical difficulties. It’s hard to get all of your students into Zoom, and sometimes the internet goes down. If they can’t get into Zoom, they’ll fall behind. Despite this difficulty, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. But the benefits are numerous. What’s more, students have rated the experience as a success. You can, too.