How applicable is demography to the field of health and wellbeing? Earlier, the field focused on infectious diseases, which accounted for 42 percent of deaths in 1970, but now the focus is on diseases related to aging, stress, and anthropogenic causes. Increasing life expectancy and declining mortality have caused a shift in the way health is measured. However, today the field has expanded beyond these limitations.
Since 1950, life expectancy has increased worldwide, including in SSA. In developed regions, life expectancy increased by more than a decade, while in developing countries, the decrease was much greater. In the 1950s, African life expectancy was less than 40 years, and it has been lower than that in developed countries ever since. However, the disparity between males and females has narrowed in the past two decades.
The proportion of the elderly in Africa is lower than anywhere else, with only about 5% of the population aged 65 and over. However, if the population continues to grow, the burden of NCD mortality will rise considerably. This means that aging is an important factor in health and wellbeing. By using demography, health professionals can better tailor interventions to address the needs of older people. By examining the differences between the urban and rural populations, they can determine whether or not to expand health and wellness services and programs in these regions.
Mortality data provide a snapshot of health and wellbeing in populations at all ages. Using these data, the field of health and wellbeing can highlight the importance of concurrent changes in the production of health throughout development. This is because mortality is often the proxy for an entire health transition. By analyzing mortality, researchers can determine what factors contribute to poor health and wellbeing. You can also look at the length of life expectancy in a specific country to understand how people live.