Is Umich a good school? You must be wondering, after completing your application, if there are any things you should look out for. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources to help you succeed at the university. The vast student body and wide variety of interests will ensure that you find friends with similar interests. Despite the university’s reputation, there are still some negatives to consider. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
Besides the beautiful campus, Michigan offers great sports and a nationally recognized reputation. You’ll have a wide range of career options after graduation, and the campus is home to lots of exciting places to hang out. Full-time students can take advantage of the free gym access, and there are three separate fitness centers. Even if you don’t want to join a gym, you can enjoy the amenities and social life offered by the campus.
The University of Michigan is a huge school. There are 275 majors to choose from, and you’ll have to choose between several different schools. Make sure to specify your major in your application; popular majors include computer science, psychology, biology, and engineering. The university also encourages research, including a renowned Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. Students at University of Michigan Ann Arbor are given opportunities to take part in a research project. The university’s student-faculty ratio is 15:1.
The University of Michigan is one of the most selective public universities in the country. Admission to its undergraduate program is selective. The university’s 2020 freshman class contains 8,228 students with an average high school GPA of 3.5 to 4.0. Students with a composite ACT score between twenty-four and thirty are accepted. International students are exempted from submitting SAT/ACT scores. Nonetheless, the requirements for admission to University of Michigan are much more stringent than those of MSU.