Ajith Kumar is set to return to the silver screen in the upcoming action thriller, Valimai. Directed viewster by H. Vinoth and produced by Boney Kapoor, the film promises to be an edge-of-your-seat entertainer. The film stars Ajith Kumar in the lead role, along with Huma Qureshi and Karthikeya Gummakonda in hub4u supporting roles. The film also features music by Yuvan Shankar Raja and cinematography by Nirav Shah. Valimai is said to be an action-packed film that will showcase Ajith Kumar in a new avatar. The actor is said to have undergone intense cinewap physical training for the role and has also learned some new fighting techniques. It is expected that the film will have some rdxnet high-octane action sequences and some thrilling chase scenes. The story revolves around a police officer who is assigned to a case involving the smuggling of illegal diamonds. He must face off against a powerful criminal syndicate and fight kuttyweb for justice. The film is expected to be released in Summer 2021 and fans are eagerly waiting to see what this new Ajith Kumar film has to offer. With its exciting storyline and Ajith Kumar’s powerful Thewebmagazine performance, Valimai is sure to be a blockbuster.