We all know that wearing braces is not a cakewalk, especially when you have just started your treatment. They are painful, irritating and cause you a lot of discomfort. However, one must keep in mind that the pain is temporary and it will fade away as you get used to wearing braces. Another reason why you must hang in tight and not give up is that across the pain lies your dream smile.
Looking for some tips to alleviate or manage your braces pain like a champ? You have stumbled upon the perfect blog. Here are 8 handy tips and tricks that will help you handle braces pain like a pro.
1. Use an ice pack
A cold compress goes a long way to help reduce the inflammation and swelling that braces bring along. Apply ice on the sore area and watch it numb your pain and give you temporary relief from the pain. Keep applying ice every few hours for the best results.
2. Indulge in cold foods
We are talking about ice creams and popsicles. Cold food items numb your pain and give instant relief to mouth soreness. We recommend that you brush your teeth after you indulge in these sugary delights to ensure that you don’t end up suffering from teeth cavities.
3. Indulge in a warm-salt water gargle
Can’t feel your gums and cheeks? The tight wires of the metal braces can often cause aching gums and cheeks. Swish warm salt water solution in your mouth a couple of times a day to get some relief from a sore mouth.
4. Ask your orthodontist for orthodontic wax
Often orthodontists provide you with orthodontic wax that you can apply over your braces. The orthodontic wax helps to alleviate the pain in your gums which is caused by the wires of your braces.
5. Don’t neglect your dental hygiene
The last thing you want is to skip brushing and flossing, ending up suffering from tooth decay and cavities which further cause you excruciating pain. So, make sure that you brush your teeth, floss every day, and use a gentle mouthwash that will help you attain healthy gums and teeth.
6. Indulge in a gum massage
Just like how you would rub your feet or any other part when it aches, you can do the same to your aching gums. Gently rub your gums in a circular motion using one of your fingers. Want to go the extra mile? You can consider massaging your gums with an ice cube to alleviate your braces pain.
7. Consider taking over-the-counter medicines
Though you must avoid popping painkillers every time your braces or clear teeth aligners cause you pain or discomfort, every once in a while it is okay to resort to them to seek some relief. You can also buy aesthetic oral gels which will help to alleviate the pain in your mouth.
We highly recommend you first consult your orthodontist and check with him or her before you take any painkillers or apply any gels on your gums.
8. Be patient
You must keep in mind that the pain and discomfort is normal and inevitable. Just be patient with yourself and keep reminding yourself that the pain is worth it and it will fade away as time passes. Once you get the hang of wearing your braces, the discomfort won’t bother you much.
Choose makeO toothsi clear aligners over traditional braces
Feel like the pain that traditional metal braces bring along is simply not your cup of tea? Fret not, we have come up with the perfect solution to your dilemma.
We bring to you makeO toothsi’s teeth aligners which now make it possible for you to have a minimally painful, fuss-free and comfortable teeth straightening treatment from the comfort of your home.
So, what are you waiting for? Book a free 3D scan with makeO today to kickstart your journey towards getting the smile you have always longed for.